Annex 10

Annex 10A

Distribution of population aged 15 and above by educational attainment and sex (%)

Distribution of population aged 15 and above by educational attainment and sex (%)

Remark: Figures may not add up to the total due to rounding in the above table.

Source : General Household Survey

Annex 10B

Student enrolment of programmes funded by University Grants Committee by level of study and sex

Student enrolment of programmes funded by University Grants Committee by level of study and sex


1. Figures in brackets denote the percentage shares of male and female students at each level of study in a particular year.

2. The figures may not add up to the corresponding totals owing to rounding.

Annex 10C

Student enrolment (headcount) of University Grants Committee-funded programmes by broad academic programme category and sex

Student enrolment (headcount) of University Grants Committee-funded programmes by broad academic programme category and sex


  1. Figures in brackets denote the percentage shares of male and female students of each broad academic programme category in a particular year.
  2. Since some University Grants Committee-funded programmes are mapped to more than one academic programme category (APC), students of these programmes are counted across the APCs concerned on a pro rata basis. Thus the student numbers of some APCs are decimal figures. In the above table, the relevant figures are rounded to the nearest whole number. As such, figures may not add up to the corresponding totals.

Annex 10D

Trainees enrolled in courses offered by training institutes of the Vocational Training Council

Trainees enrolled in courses offered by training institutes of the Vocational Training Council

Annex 10E

Number of academic staff by grade and sex of University Grants Committee-funded universities

Number of academic staff by grade and sex of University Grants Committee-funded universities


  1. The above figures refer to academic staff in academic departments of UGC-funded universities with salaries wholly funded from General Funds.
  2. Common Data Collection Format (CDCF) used to classify staff grades by salary range, but it was no longer practical after the deregulation of university pay from civil service pay since July 2003. CDCF does not set out the definition of the specific 'staff grade' because it is within institutional autonomy for universities to adopt their own staff hierarchy, and list of staff grades / titles. Universities continue to report staff number and relevant details for UGC statistical collection purpose with reference to the previous classification of staff grades as appropriate. Such classification is largely a reflection of their respective salary range.

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