  1. This is the fourth report of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) under the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (the Convention).  It forms part of the ninth report of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under the Convention.
  2. Since the extension of the Convention to Hong Kong in 1996, the HKSAR Government (the Government) has all along adhered to the principles and provisions of the Convention in promoting women’s development and advancement in all fields. The Government’s commitment is demonstrated by the considerable progress that has been made in various areas of policy since the previous report.  This report sets out the progress that has been made as well as some of the challenges that we face.
  3. In line with the established practice for the preparation of reports under other United Nations conventions, we have set out in an outline for consultation the broad subject headings and individual topics to be covered in the Report. Following consultation with the Women’s Commission (WoC), the outline for consultation was widely issued to stakeholders, including the Legislative Council (LegCo), District Councils (DCs), relevant non-governmental organisations (NGOs), women’s groups and various professional bodies, and was made available to the general public on the Internet and at all Public Enquiry Service Centres of District Offices of the Home Affairs Department (HAD).  The public were invited to submit their views during the period from 1 March to 31 May 2018 on the implementation of the Convention in respect of those topics, and to suggest any additional topics that they considered should be included in the Report.  As the central mechanism to promote the well-being and interests of women in the HKSAR, WoC consulted and sought views from 18 DCs and some women’s groups on the outline.  Two public consultation sessions were also jointly organised with the Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB) on 25 April and 16 May 2018. The outline was also discussed at the LegCo Panel on Constitutional Affairs on 26 May 2018.
  4. We have carefully considered the views and comments received in drafting the Report. Issues raised by commentators during the consultation exercise, together with the respective responses of the Government where applicable, have been incorporated in the relevant sections of the Report.
  5. The Report will be made available to stakeholders, including the LegCo, WoC, NGOs and women’s groups, and will be distributed to the public at the Public Enquiry Service Centres of HAD and public libraries. An electronic version will also be made available on the Government website.
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