- The Study of Hong Kong People's Participation in Gambling Activities (2021) conducted by The University of Hong Kong
- The Study on Hong Kong People's Participation in Gambling Activities (2016) conducted by the Hong Kong
Polytechnic University
- The Study on Hong Kong People's Participation in Gambling Activities (2011) conducted by the Hong Kong
Polytechnic University
- Evaluation Study on the Impacts of Gambling Liberalization
in Nearby Cities on Hong Kong Peoples’ Participation in
Gambling Activities and Development of Counselling and Treatment
Services for Problem Gamblers (2008) conducted by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Evaluation Study on the Effectiveness of the Couselling
and Treatment Centres for Problem and Pathological Gamblers
conducted by Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2006)
- Results of a survey on Hong Kong people's participation
in gambling activities conducted by the Social Sciences
Research Centre of the University of Hong Kong (2005)
- A Study on Hong Kong People's Participation in Gambling
Activities conducted by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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